December 8, 2007

More Boom Bip

I saw Boom Bip at the Elbo Room in SF last night. It was a difficult show for him to pull off, there were two other guys with him on stage, and they were creating all the music live. It's a challenge for these electronic dudes to put on a good "live" show, because it would probably sound best if they just stood in front of a laptop and played their songs through the PA. Credit to Boom Bip for being a little more ambitious than that.

I can't say it was a smashing success, though. The crowd wasn't totally feeling it, and "Coogi Sweater," which should have brought the house down, was the worst sounding song of the night. Still, these two songs that I'm posting were great.

Boom Bip - The Pinks [Sacchrilege EP, 2007]

Boom Bip - The Move [Blue Eyed in the Red Room LP, 2005]

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