yeah that's seriously him, awesome right
OMG we're back. I'm excited. I listened to a bunch of good music over the summer and now I can blog it - bless Fileden. Unless it dies like our last "storage solution."
Anyway dig on these tracks from Lucio Battisti. This stuff sounds like a raving Italian stumbled into a Mutantes jam session circa 1970, but the music is actually made by other Italians. I wish that it were just Lucio Battisti running around banging on all the instruments himself but it's totally not, Wikipedia told me so.
This stuff sounds so fresh, like you KNOW that if some 20 year olds in Brooklyn had hit upon this it would be totally big - and with good reason!! Somehow old Lucio created songs that lasted a solid 30 years. But he wasn't actually some recluse living in his basement, he was a giant pop star who was mourned by all of Italy when he died. Or that's what Wikipedia said at least. The tracks aren't as good but I just want to copy and paste the titles of some of the songs on this album, Amore E Non Amore:
- "Seduto Sotto Un Platano Con Una Margherita In Bocca Guardando Il Fiume Nero Macchiato Dalla Schiuma Bianca Dei Detersivi"
- "7 Agosto Di Pomeriggio Fra Le Lamiere Roventi Di Un Cimitero Di Automobili Solo Io, Silenzio Eppure Straordinariamente Vivo"
- "Davanti Ad Un Distributore Automatico Di Fiori Dell'Aereoporto Di Bruxelles Anch'io Chiuso In Una Bolla Di Vetro"
- "Una Poltrona, Un Bicchiere Di Cognac, Un Televisore. 35 Morti Ai Confini Di Israele E Giordania"
Actually it's sad, I like the songs with regular titles way more. "Supermarket" is totally a song about stuff he's buying at a supermarket. Dig!!
Lucio Battisti - Dio Mio No [Amore E Non Amore, 1971]
Lucio Battisti - Supermarket [Amore E Non Amore, 1971]